今日吃瓜 Chatter November 2023
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Upcoming events
Student Free Day
7.11.23 - 7.03.23/
9:00pm-3:30pmMelbourne Cup Day
Zoo Excursion (Year 1/2)
Yearbook Completed/Orders Due
Gleadell Street Market Community Stall
Statewide Orientation Day & Moving on up Day
Student-free days
24.04.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.06.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.08.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
1.09.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
6.11.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
Term dates
- Term 1 27.01.23 - 6.04.23
- Term 2 24.04.23 - 23.06.23
- Term 3 10.07.23 - 15.09.23
- Term 4 2.10.23 - 20.12.23
Message from the Assistant Principal
I am delighted to share some exciting news with you all! I have been appointed as the Principal of Glen Huntly Primary School starting in 2024. This is a significant moment for myself, and I am filled with mixed emotions, I feel sad to be leaving Richmond but very excited for this new opportunity.
I have been a part of the Richmond community for 6 years now and have loved every moment. I value my relationships with every student and their family and have loved been an integral part of our school. I feel very fortunate to have worked with amazing educators over the years and would like to say a special thank you to Megan for her endless support, leadership, and friendship. Richmond Primary is a special place to be part of and I have appreciated all the support, laughs and friendships I have gained.
I know there will be a more formal farewell at the end of the year buy for now I look forward to enjoying our time together until the end of the year.
We can officially announce that WOWOWA architecture was the successful tender who will work with us on our future building works.聽 Now the process is for the VSBA (Victorian Schools Building Authority) to appoint an independent project manager.聽 Watch this space for more updates when they happen.
This is a reminder for our families when picking up or dropping off a child. 聽Please check in first with staff at the office. They will either collect your child or take them up to their class. If you are taking your child early, it is important that they have been checked out on Compass and acknowledged by one of our administration staff before leaving school.
We thank you for your cooperation.
As we prioritise the safety and well being of our school community I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the importance of road safety.
Dropping children off and allowing them to exit the car in the middle of the road is not ok. And students have also been seen running across nearby roads without looking both ways, which has resulted in a shock for both the driver and child.
I ask that families reinforce road safety practices at home so that we can create a safer environment for everyone.
Yesterday our year 5 student Zach W competed in the Sports Victoria Primary School Golf Tournament. The golf competition was at Sanctuary Lakes golf course and his dad Nick was caddy.
Zach played 9 holes and our congratulations to him for his courage and for giving his best efforts.
At our staff professional learning meeting on Wednesday afternoon, our school leaders presented their insights and recommendations on aspects of the Attitudes to School data. The leaders interviewed students in years 4-6 to gain their perceptions and opinions and give our staff information about how students are feeling and thinking about the following:
- What can teachers do to make the school more enjoyable/interesting?
- Do people feel like they belong at this school?
- Do you think it鈥檚 ok to be different at school?
- If you were in a big fight, who would you tell?
- Do you feel safe at school?
- Do you think you maybe bullied if you are different?
Our leaders presented their data confidently and clearly and their follow up discussions with staff were engaging and honest.
The staff really enjoyed the presentation and gained valuable insights of our students.
A reminder, if families have any requests for placement of children on educational grounds, please send Megan an email (megan.dell@education.vic.gov.au) no later than聽Friday 10th November.聽 It is an important goal that we place children in a happy and secure learning environment.聽 Requests from previous years become dated in terms of relevance, so we will only consider information from the past twelve months.
Our school community fundraising efforts this year have been incredible. So far we have raised in excess of $32,000 through the welcome bbq, trivia night, election BBQ鈥檚, Gleadell St market and the colour run.
We will be allocating some of this money to resourcing STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) equipment throughout the school to give our students access to high quality learning. And some will be allocated for new furniture in the school鈥檚 future renovation.
Have a great long weekend!
今日吃瓜 Activities
The 5/6 今日吃瓜 Archibald Potrait Winners!
Each year in Visual Arts the 5/6鈥檚 choose someone who inspires them to create a portrait, they are given the whole of term three to research, draft and complete this and can use any medium they choose. Congratulations to Cameron B who chose Ja Morant, Aarya A who chose Dua Lipa and Nate C who chose Cyril Rioli for your amazing portraits.
Your focus and hard work resulted in fantastic works of art.

Community OSH
Newsletter, Important Dates & Curriculum Day
Student of the Week
- Atteo F – Congratulations Atteo Fitzgerald for reading everything everywhere and for showing commendable focus and output during writing sessions!
- Will J – For being an excellent swimmer this week! You were organised, positive and brave when trying new things in the pool.
Year 1/2
- Amber A – For consistently being a kind, caring and hard working classmate. Keep being amazing Amber!
- Rudy T – For taking more responsibility in the classroom and demonstrating thoughtfulness and compassion. Keep up the great work, Rudy!
- Summer D – For your amazing focus and contributions to class discussions. You always have a smile on your face and bring so much joy to our class. Well done Summer!
Year 3/4
- Jamie T – For her diligent work ethic and motivation to go the extra mile. I’ve loved experiencing the depth of your thinking this year Jamie!
- Elodie H – For consistently giving your best effort and making remarkable strides in your reading skills. Your progress is truly commendable.
- Elise U – I can’t believe you’ve only been here for 2 terms! You use a fantastic vocabulary in your writing and create rich, detailed settings, for example “high on a lonely mountain”. Well done!
Year 5/6
- Isabella G – We have all enjoyed welcoming Isabella to our school community late last term. She has settled in beautifully and we look forward to seeing her continue to flourish at 今日吃瓜!
- Gracie Otter – For your enthusiasm and positivity during our learning tasks this term. You have consistently shown a wonderful growth mindset, and are always the first to volunteer to help with various jobs around the classroom. Well done, Gracie!
Russell's Joke of the week
What did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped him off at school?
Activities at 今日吃瓜 (Term 4)
Please see the below list of activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 4:
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:聽 Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the links below for further information.