今日吃瓜 Chatter March (2) 2023
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
Pizza Day
5/6 Summer Gala Day
Student Free Day
Mother’s Day Stall
Student-free days
24.04.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.06.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.08.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
1.09.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
6.11.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
Term dates
- Term 1 27.01.23 - 6.04.23
- Term 2 24.04.23 - 23.06.23
- Term 3 10.07.23 - 15.09.23
- Term 4 2.10.23 - 20.12.23
Message From The Acting Assistant Principal
Stepping into the role of Acting Assistant Principal this week, I have been very impressed and proud of our students鈥 attitude and application to NAPLAN testing week.
NAPLAN is a national assessment that tests the literacy and numeracy skills of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The test is designed to provide information to parents, teachers, and schools about the skills of their children and students. It is not designed to be a pass or fail test, but rather to provide information about how well students are performing in key areas of literacy and numeracy.
The results of the test are used to identify areas where students may need additional support and to guide teaching and learning programs. The data also provides information to schools and education authorities about the effectiveness of teaching programs and shows individual student performance and growth across different areas.
It’s important to remember that NAPLAN is just one part of the overall picture of student achievement. It is just one tool that we use to assess student progress, and it should not be the sole measure of student success. We also use other assessments, such as teacher assessment and student work samples, to gain a more complete understanding of each student鈥檚 progress.
On another note, can you believe we are almost in Week 8 already? We have a jam packed few weeks left at school for the term including Pizza Day on the 24th March, Summer Gala Day (5/6s) on the 31st, along with planning week and a visit from Real Schools.
I have enjoyed my short but sweet time as Assistant Principal and look forward to seeing you all in the school yard or out in the community.
Russell Sivewright
Acting Assistant Principal
Parent Communication
2023 School Council
We are very excited to announce our 今日吃瓜 School Council for 2023.听 With the exact number of nominations for the number of vacancies, there is no need for an election.听 Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 21st February and details will be sent out shortly to our council members.听 Our council for 2023 includes:
- Megan Dell (executive officer/Principal)
- Nerida Burns (DET representative)
- Rachel Foster (DET representative)
- Kath Faichney (DET representative)
- Nick Corker (Parent representative)
- Eleanor Thomas (Parent representative)
- Krysia Mosley (Parent representative)
- Kristy Fuller (Parent representative)
- Rob Finney (Parent representative)
- Leah Ferrari (Parent representative)
It’s Production Time Again!
Hard to believe, but we are in the beginning stages of organising our school production for 2023!听 Once again, our Year 6 students will have the major roles, with each class contributing some dance moves.听 The production will be held over 2 nights, with each student in Year F 鈥 5 performing on one of those nights.
Early next term we will let you know who is performing when and all the ticketing details.
The performances will be on June 7th & 8th.听 So add those to your diary now!
If your child is in Year 6 and you will be on a family vacation during that time, please let us know ASAP so we can finalise casting by the end of the term.
Not feeling well
Thankfully we are NOT on the 鈥淐鈥 rollercoaster anymore (the virus that shall not be named), but we are finding many children arriving at school unwell with cold and/or flu like symptoms.听 On top of that, we have heard that some children have been diagnosed with chickenpox, conjunctivitis and Hand-foot-and-mouth disease. All highly contagious.听 If your child is suffering from any of these illnesses, please the office know so we can keep as many of our community as healthy as possible.
Volunteering Courses – Term One
Our last Volunteering Course for Term one will be conducted in the coming weeks for those members of our community who want to volunteer in the classrooms or excursions/camps and haven’t completed the course yet.
When:听 Wednesday 29th March
Time:听 9:00 am
Place:听 GP Room (where we have CommunityOSH)
If you are interested in attending, please contact Jake in the office to ensure we have the appropriate amount of materials.
Russell's Joke of the week
At the airport today a man fainted and slumped over onto the luggage carousel.
He slowly came around.
Student Activities
Divisional Swimming
今日吃瓜 students competed in the Inner North/Moreland Division Swimming on the 14th of March.
Our students had a wonderful time and performed amazingly.
Foundation Excursion to Science works
Our Foundation students took part in the “Make, Solve, Create’ program at Science works on the 14th of March.
Students were taken through an interactive story, solving design challenges faced by Dot, the main character in the Ground Up: Building Big Ideas Together exhibition. Each time Dot encountered a problem, students built and tested solutions in small groups.
Student of The Week
- Grace R – Congratulations Grace on your bright, sunny outlook and for showing care and responsibility in class.
- Tommy R – For collaborating and working well with others. You have shown fantastic teamwork and have helped others with their learning. Well done!
Year 1/2:
- Ari H – For sharing your insightful predictions and thoughts when we read as a class. Keep up the great work!
- Anisha M – For your kindness, dedication and enthusiasm. You displayed leadership qualities and showcased your knowledge this week by helping others with their learning.
- Ingrid M – For consistently being a supportive and helpful class member in 1/2D. Amazing work Ingrid.
- Clem CS – For demonstrating bravery and resilience at school by always being willing to have a go and challenge himself across all subject areas. Go Clem!
Year 3/4:
- Maisie G – For being a bundle of energy and kindness in the classroom and for giving every learning task 100% effort. You are a legend Maisie!
- Darcy G听 -It has been wonderful to have you contributing to our whole class discussions and sharing your thoughts with us. You are taking more risks to step outside your comfort zone and engage in new learning experiences. Keep up the awesome effort!
- Zoe E – For consistently displaying kindness and empathy to all class members, and being a wonderful role model for others. Stay kind Zoe! 馃檪
Year 5/6:
- Michael M – For showing such responsibility as Sports Captain and maintaining professionalism and composure when showing some very special guests around school!
- Ava B – For your enthusiastic and caring attitude. You are always helping a friend in need and looking for opportunities to assist in our classroom.
- Edyn R – For your spectacular descriptive writing pieces you have published this week, I was impressed with your ability to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Edyn I don’t think I could write that well.
- Hayden A – his consistent role model behaviour, always putting in his best effort and being respectful to all staff and peers.
Activities at 今日吃瓜
Please see the below list of activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 1:
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:听 Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the flyers below for further information.