½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Chatter August (2) 2023
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Upcoming events
5/6 District Athletics Day
Father’s & Friends Day Breakfast
Whole School Assembly
Student Free Day
Gleadell Street Market Community Stall
½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Colour Run
Student-free days
24.04.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.06.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.08.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
1.09.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
6.11.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
Term dates
- Term 1 27.01.23 - 6.04.23
- Term 2 24.04.23 - 23.06.23
- Term 3 10.07.23 - 15.09.23
- Term 4 2.10.23 - 20.12.23
Message from the School Captains
Hey ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï families!
Lots of fun and exciting stuff has been happening at school over the last couple of weeks.
As you might know, we had book day this Tuesday. The teachers had the theme of Roald Dahl and looked amazing but I think the students took the win this year. Not only did we have book day, but we had some special authors, Jack Henseleit and Kylie Dunstan, to share with the 1/2 – 5/6s about how to write an excellent story!
With all this superb learning everyone’s been doing in class, all years got to go on an excursion. On Wednesday the 5/6s went to Scienceworks to continue learning about the Solar System, the 3/4s visited the Shrine of Remembrance to learn about the ANZAC soldiers who fought in Gallipoli and the Foundies went to MOPA- the Museum of Play and Art.
After all the fun they have had, that’s not all! As you all hopefully know the Matilda’s had the qualifying game for the finals on Wednesday last week. In support, we had a green and gold dress-up day. It was amazing to see the Aussie spirit.
Looking forward to seeing you all out and about!
Your School Captain Albie H and Vice Captain Millie K
Upcoming Events
5/6 District Athletics Day
Father's & Friends Day Breakfast
Student Free Day
Whole School Assembly
Gleadell Street Market - Community Stall
Recent ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Activities
3/4 Camp
On Wednesday the 18th of August, the Grade 3/4s went to Lady Northcote Recreation camp in Bacchus Marsh, for two nights and three days. They did activities like archery, giant swing, flying fox and many more. They had a lot of fun and had delicious meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Below are some student reflections on the experience:
- Lucy P: – I liked when we were in the cabins because I had fun telling scary stories with my friends and it was fun making them too.
- Gwenvere W – I liked the giant swing because I was scared at the start but when I was on it and pulled the rope I wasn’t scared anymore.
- Anna W – I liked the giant swing because of the thrill when you swing in the air.
- Ollie C – I liked archery because it was really fun when you pulled it back, let go and it swings in the air.
- Arther O – I liked the food because it tasted AMAZING! My favourite meal was the pasta and cheese.
Overall camp was an amazing learning experience for working as a team outdoors and indoors for EVERYONE.
Museum of Play and Art (MOPA)
Community OSH News
Student of The Week
- Aishee K – Congratulations Aishee for settling in beautifully and being a fun, friendly and and respectful student!
- Roxy B – For trying hard to stretch out sounds and use describing words during writing lessons this week. Well done Roxy!
Year 1/2:
- Zara C – Your compassion and kindness on the 1/2 Shrine of Remembrance Excursion. Your willingness to help others and your caring nature is infectious. Well done Zara!
- Archie R – For his dedication to his writing and showing excellent focus to publish multiple pieces and taking on feedback. Awesome work Archie!
- Manuela V – Thank you for always exhibiting a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. Seeing your smile makes my day!
Year 5/6:
- Indie U – Indie has been working extremely hard on an amazing story titled ‘Supercat Legend‘ that includes wow words such as ‘catastrophic’ and ‘agony’. I am very proud of you Indie! Keep up the good work!
- Ted B – For your hard work during Earn and Learn. You have shown a particular interest in collaboratively creating a business and have persisted with many challenges along the way. Well done, Ted!
- Caitlin S – For her outstanding behaviour, consistent growth mindset and taking the initiative to challenge herself. Keep up the amazing effort Caitlin!
- Emma D – For the fantastic attitude and growth mindset you have towards your maths learning. Emma-gin the things you will achieve by continuing to show this approach everyday. Keep it up!
Russell's Joke of the week
Why does Marvel advertise The Hulk the most?
Because he’s basically one big Banner!
Activities at ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï (Term 3)
Please see the below list of activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 3:
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:Â Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the links below for further information.